Touring San Cristobal

Not a day for writing so here are some learning experiences, observations and pics of San Cristobal for your viewing pleasure.
(27-01-2011) San Cristobal, Mex. Murals cover the walls of the University of Human Rights, depicting the history of the area.

Just something I think we all need to remember. Important values and characteristics of being an International Support Worker and just an all around nice person.
Tolerance- No one approaches the world in the same way. That is ok! Neither is better or worst that the other, just different.  
Acceptance- Not all views or approaches parallel each other, but we can learn from all of them.
Patience- Things may not happen at the pace you want them to. Accept that!
Support- No matter the relationship everyone needs to know that someone they trust has their back. 
Ability to allow others to grow-Trust them to make their own decisions and let them learn from them. This will help other to take bigger braver steps.  

(27-01-11) San Cristobal de las Casas. Left is the bottom of the stairs leading to the San Cristobal Cathedral. On the right is a view of San Cristobal from the top of the stairs.

With a list of landmarks we headed out in groups of three to explore San Cristobal. It was almost as we explored the city in two parts staring in the Zocolo we headed south and explored some of the religious sites, all of which had catholic affiliation. It felt very much like tourist.  We rounded back to the Zocalo sat to people watch, at that same time we were the ones that were being taken an interest in. Child after child came to say hola, sell us something or just look. I used all the spanish I could muster to talk  to them. It was spirit lifting. 

We continued on with a bit of a different feeling. The kind that only the innocence of a child can give you. We explored the tourist market and the peoples market. Both were drastically different and I enjoyed the peoples market a lot more, although it was more enclosed it was more real. As we walked through the tight alleys we got a small taste for how the people of San Cristobal live. I will see it through a different lens tomorrow. 


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