“Its Complicated”

This has become so what of an idiom in this learning journey and also a bit of a joke because of its frequent reoccurrence but fitting application. I apologize to those that I have told to follow my blog. But truth be known it IS complicated. I started an entry some weeks ago. It has branched out into so many directions that that is has been hard to complete any of them. Everything is so interconnected that it is hard to feel that the web is fully understood without all of the interconnected weaves.  For the sake of perseverance I have to bring it back, try again.  

Its is interesting even strange to think how, as a civilization, we  place a value or worth on just about anything; people, time, occupations, a mountain, a gene, a life, righting our wrongs, even to make fatally destructive corporate practices go away(which as I recall hearing in one case in this area was 80,000,000$).  We have moved to a global place where this is entrenched, even for those who opt not to accept it or whose traditional values are completely opposed to it.  It is visually ingrained in the western world with over 3000 media messages and ads a day. In indigenous culture it is imposed by the mass number of western tourists that integrate the villages with their ideas of consumption and superiority.  Regardless of a communities desire for this, it becomes a economic dependency altering their traditional way of life.  These continually enforce an unattainable ideal and become a life long cycle of consumption.  Although in my culture I  seem very far from theses ideal, in the state of Chiapas, I have become more increasingly aware of how these attitudes influence me .  Wouldn't it be lovely if we could wake up and see truth. See the worth of a person in their purity, and virtues. How misguided these erroneous  perception have left us. 


  1. Hi Kristian...great commintary make one think
    love the pictures great colors pls post moore as time allows thanks .... norman k. from the
    sweet escape and friend of heather and darren


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