for us we covered our faces Oliveira
to name us, we deny the name
bet the present to have a future

and for life or death
Subcomandante Marcos
I talked to a man in the Zocolo today, who made a huge beautiful sand art mural  for 8 or 9 hours, just to sweep it up when he was done so that morning workers wouldn't have more work. He seemed only motivated by the art, smiles and looks of wonder he received. He said it was to give thanks to the people of San Cristobal. Made the think:)

This land was sold by the president (Governor) of Chiapas for purposes of "development". Every day I ask myself more and more what that means. I think in this case they were expanding the highway so it was easier for the military to get back and forth. They also donated the land for the military. Also made me think. 


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