Mexico Awaits

Toronto to Mexico (25/01/2011) What a magnificent group of people that I am blessed to learn and travel with, share experiences, and this journey. I arrived at the Pearson Airport @ 2:30 am to meet up with the group. After running through all the necessary prep and going out for my last smoke, at 3:30 they called our flight, 7441 to Chicago. We passed through security with no problems. Thanks e, I slept like a baby through the first flight, 2 hours at the Chicago airport and most of the flight to Mexico City :) That was most of the trip just one more flight to Tuxtla.

Generally, before I leave for an adventure, I am filled with excitement.  For some reason this excitement feels a little more like anxiety.  Maybe this is a different kind of adventure that I am about to embark on. Its an inner transition more so than an outer one. I feel that after this experience I have a responsibility, whatever that might be to do something with what I experience. How can I personally experience some of the most impoverished and oppressed people of the Americas, who fight so bravely for what is rightfully theirs and then go home and take advantage of what really should never of been rightfully mine. How can I not, no matter how small do something to evoke  justice in what I do.       

So far, I have been to all of the places that we've been today. They seem familiar, even the Tuxtla airport and drive to the hotel seem like something I have done before.  Arrived late and all seemed at least some what familiar to me.  However, we made it safely after 23 hours of travel, four flights, hours in airports, a Mexican taxi, (no offense intended, but anyone whose been there would understand). We have finally arrived to Tuxtla to a cute little stucco hotel and I am tired. Perhaps the major life learning and transition can begin tomorrow;) Hasta Manyana



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