Threatening Faith - sorry no pics
San Juan Chamula, a beautiful small town of indigenous Mayan people, praised in travel guides for its stronghold in its indigenous culture. This was the one place that could not be conquered by Cortez during the conquest. Picture taking is strictly forbidden in the town and especially in the Church. I think this more deeply allowed me to experience it, as I relied on all my senses to take it in. Following a day of touring most of the churches in San Cristobal, this was unlike anything I had seen. The church was dark and smelt of pine and incense. It was lit by a few dust-covered windows high up on the wall. Sunlight pierced through spaces around the window frames. There was one row of tungsten lights that perimetered the walls about 3 and a half meters up. This light was overridden by what seemed like thousands of candles burning all along the edges of the church, filing tables, stools, the alter and all over the floor where groups were clustered . I coul...